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About LT


In case you didn't see on the Home page, my name is Kelly Limes-Taylor.

While I could describe myself in a lot of ways, I am probably most deeply engaged in my roles as a mother, an observer, an academic, a forest-lover, and a wyrd woman in hot pursuit of the Sublime.

These qualities have shaped me into a person that values wisdom -- which, to me, is the most important quality a person can possess.


I've had many, many, many people tell me that I'm weird. Or different. That I don't fit in with the crowd.

Some have said it as a compliment, but some have said it as a critique. And that's okay.


Since my teenage years, I have been on a personal quest for wisdom. In all of its glorious weirdness, this quest has led me on a life that has been far from ordinary and given me a perspective that others have often called wise.

This perspective has certainly made me feel better and more grounded even when I've felt like my life was falling apart(!), and it helped me to thrive in situations that society says should have drowned me -- based on my identity markers, anyway. 

I love when any wisdom I've learned from this quest, which also includes extensive academic exploration and professional education work, helps others navigate their lives as well. 


My personal definition of wisdom is a combination of (1.) a personalized knowledge foundation or tradition; (2.) self-honesty; (3.) connection to intuition; and (4.) intentional positive engagement with diversity. 

If you and I work together, we'll talk about these four things.

A lot. In a variety of ways. 

That's because I believe their combination leads to the best outcomes for all involved in any challenge, and this is why my consulting and advising aim is to assist others in trusting their own wisdom.  


From my perspective, wisdom exists on all planes of human existence: physically, mentally, emotionally ('the space inside'); socially, culturally, environmentally ('the space outside'); and galactically, cosmically, spiritually ('the space beyond'). The more planes that one's wisdom consciously benefits, the greater and more widely beneficial is that person's overall wisdom to the whole -- however that 'whole' is imagined. My intention is to help individuals and organizations engage their wisdom on as many of the planes as they prefer. 


I believe we are free beings in a universe that requires consent. Helping others understand this, while navigating their circumstances, is a prime driver in my work... whatever form that work takes. I look forward to sharing this perspective with you and your networks.​


Forest Path
Want to know more about work I've done?


Please check out my list of publications and presentations here.


Please check out previous pieces I've written in my archived blog here.


Please check out my dissertation and related oral history work here.​




Interested in knowing more or working with Limes-Taylor Educational Consulting?


Check out my Services page or contact me!


Interested in writing a review about work you've done with LT or LTEC? 

Reviews are shared with potential clients during/after the introductory call.


To leave a review, please click below. Thank you!

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*And just what does wyrd mean?

Well, I like this definition the best: 


"Wyrd is the unfolding of our personal destiny. It has sometimes been translated into modern English as 'fate.' But it is much deeper than that. It does not see our lives as 'pre-determined.' Rather, it is an all-encompassing view which connects us to all things, thoughtsemotions, events in the cosmos as if through the threads of an enormous, invisible but dynamic web. Today, scientists know intellectually that all things are interconnected. But the power of Wyrd is to realise this in our inner being, and to know how to use it to manifest our personal destiny.  Today, through a deep connection with wyrd, we are inspired to see our lives in a new and empowering way. It restores our experience of the healing power of lovenature and creativity. It is about letting into our lives the guidance of an extended universe of spirit. It brings ancient wisdom together with modern science in the service of enhancing our lives, and the integrity of our human presence on the planet."

 -- Brian Bates, in Way of Wyrd, Introduction : What is "Wyrd"?

(I found this definition and reference here.)


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